Municipal Surveys
Jones Geomatics holds both Alberta Land Surveyor and Canada Land Surveyor Permits to practice. We work closely with land developers, construction firms, local governments, private landowners, realtors, legal professionals, architects, urban planners and more.
​From an urban standpoint, it is our objective to be responsive to the needs of:
Land developers
Construction firms
Local governments
Private land owners
Legal professionals
Spatial information specialists
Professional urban planners

We provide the following products:
Lot grading certificates
Lease area plans
Descriptive plans
Development permit application plans
Legal subdivision plans
Right-of-way plans
Tentative plans for subdivision application
Road plans (including widening and corner cuts)
Real property reports
Site plans for planning and architectural design
Topographic survey plans for water management, environmental concerns and development
Plot plans for building placement
Condominium plans
In conjunction with these products, we offer services such as:
Property line staking
Horizontal and vertical control for a wide variety of users
Building layout
Deformation surveys
Buried structure/facility location
Easement and right-of-way surveying and staking
Any other event whereby spatial information is required on the ground